All the News from this week's Marketing Innovations Keynote

Following the 'Marketing Innovations Keynote', many experts are calling it the biggest change to Google Adwords since 2000. (when it was released) and they may not be wrong. During these last weeks, Google keeps surprising us with fresh news about many of its tools. And if a few days ago we announced the Change of name of the platform from Google Adwords to Google Ads, This was just the beginning!

In fact, you could see it coming with the definitive changeover to the new interface (end of this month)but this Tuesday, we learned even more! at their global event at Streaming 'Marketing Innovations Keynote.

In this post, we want to summarize for you everything that is brewing at Google and that will arrive throughout the remainder of 2018. Shall we start?


Next, we will have a column with a score from 1 to 10 for rating the speed of our Landing Pages.

Mobile Speed Score. What's New at Google

It is one of the priorities among the Silicon Valley giant's Algorithms. And no wonder, since for every second, our conversions can be reduced by 20%.

Google has created several tools to optimize our web in this regard (Speed Scorecad or Impact Calculator) and now, it makes it clear to us within the Google Adwords interface itself!

In a tab called "Landing Pages"This column, a qualification around the Mobile user experience and one detailing whether this URL is AMP. A few clues as to what is relevant Right?

Cross Device Reports

New reports coming soon in Analytics, will not take the sessions separately. The Device by Acquisition Report will show the complete path of each user, with changes of Mobile - PC, Tablet - Mobile, ...

Added to this, also Device Overlay y 'Device and channel routing'. 

Of course, this will have a direct influence on the Audiences, being able to configure global revenue lists taking into account both devices, or for example, impacting people who visit us a certain number of times. 

It will appear in a configuration option called Enable Google Signals.

Search Network at the Marketing Innovations Keynote

Responsive Search Ads

We can already see this in some of our Beta accounts. With the intention of alternating the different combinations of copyswe will have the possibility to write 15 different Headlines and 4 Descriptions.

Google will test and rotate them, giving more visibility to those with better performance.

And we can even set certain Keywords that we want to appear at all times.

Recommendations by Google for optimization:

  • Focus on Headlines
  • Include our Keywords
  • Test the opportunities/suggestions given by the platform

Smart Campaigns


We also have positive results already for some of our customers.

With a ROAS bidding strategy, Google will display the products in our feed in a smart way trying to maximize conversions in the following ways Display, YouTube, Gmail and Search Network.

Of course, we need 20 conversions in the last 45 days in all Shopping campaigns.

These campaigns take into account seasonal demand and product prices.

Small Business

For Search and Display, these campaigns are easy to set up in just under 3 minutes. With Image PickerWe will select three images. In the company of some copysGoogle Machine Learning will take care of the rest.

Small Business CampaignsStore visits

We only need to configure our location and upload creatives. As in Small Business, Google Bot will automatically optimize this for all properties in your network.

Hotel Ads

Hand in hand with a Hotel Center where to manage prices in an efficient way, it will allow us:

  • Organize hotel groups by brand or class.
  • Optimize dimensions such as offers, the length of stay or the day of Check-in.

As for the Hotel CenterMerchant Center, as its name suggests, is a version of Merchant Center for Hotels.

With rich feeds, we will be able to set up campaigns of dynamic remarketing. The bidding strategy will be based on 'maximizing reserves'.

YouTube at the Marketing Innovations Keynote

Trueview for action

The idea is to achieve leads without leaving YouTube. So far, we have call to action as 'book now', 'more information', 'buy now'... But the novelty is that soon, the user will be able to fill in a contact form with the company without having to go to the web.

We will be able to choose between a strategy type CPA o Maximize Conversions.

Trueview for reach

In-stream format based on user behavior with CPM strategy.

Its purpose is to help us create brand awareness.

Maximize Lift Bidding

Focused on brand consideration, it is a Machine Learning bidding strategy where Google tries to give us more visibility if the Bot detects that the user may have more consideration for our brand.

Finally, remember that the same day we learned about the change from Google Adwords to Google Ads, we also learned about the merger of DoubleClick Digital Marketing + Google Analytics 360 into Google Analytics 360. Google Marketing Platform.

Double Click and Google Analytics Merger

What do you think of all these new features? Feel free to post your comment - we're looking forward to hearing your perspective on this!

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