Black Friday: how to work it throughout the year?

As we all know, Black Friday is one of the key moments for ecommerce and commerce in general, that's why in this post we are going to tell you the steps to follow to arrive on time and have the best week of the year as defined as possible, anticipating problems that may arise. We will also tell you what to do afterwards. Black Friday does not end immediately after the date, the actions in the aftermath are equally important to avoid repeating past mistakes and, above all, to implement improvements for next year. 

For this very reason, we will explain below all the work behind this great dateThe first months of the year, starting in August and September and ending in December, when we fully enter into the Peak Season

What to do during the months leading up to Black Friday?

Before you start thinking about Black Friday itself, preparation is crucial:  


Black Friday is still 4 months away, but it is a good time to start thinking and preparing the whole strategy for the month of November. It is a month to review, think new ideas and draw the roadmap for the following months. 

  • Review what was sold in the previous year. Most successful products and categories. It is important to consider the new catalog that we have included during this year. 
  • Make an outline of the categories to be promoted and assess whether you should include other major ones.
  • Update the BF landing page for the current year in which we will be listing the products that will be offered during the promotion.
  • With these categories in mind, stock up prior to the rate change. Many suppliers update rates in September and can help us save on purchases. 


This September will be the month when we will define Black Friday so that during October we can work on preparing and not on defining strategies. So the time has come to make decisions.

  • Idea gifts/gifts that with every order you are going to give to your customers.
  • Dale visibility to Black Friday landing to receive interested traffic, if you already have it from previous years update it so that visitors have an idea of what awaits them.
  • Negotiate with financiers, 0% of interest, if for that period you can get good conditions for your customers
  • Analyzes in detail last year's sales and the current year's informational and transactional searches, you will be able to make a forecast of what people are looking for and buying for Black Friday.


In the month leading up to the big week, we have to go about finalizing important things so that the other one doesn't catch us, among those things:

  • Touch negotiate the discounts that the brands and suppliers allow us to makeThey tend to put impediments if our proposal exceeds the discount of the brands themselves.
  • Stock up for goodThanks to the analyses made previously and the proximity to November, it is the time to stock up on everything that will finally be offered.
  • Define the budget and investment for advertising campaigns. based on results from previous years.
  • Knowing the strategy to be followed, designs banners and graphic resourcesand the necessary adaptations for the campaigns in the different channels.


The busiest month of the year has arrived in our ecommerce. Before the week of Black Friday, we already notice more movement. If we have managed to keep up to date with the previous points, November will surely go smoothly, although we must be alert for any unforeseen event. 

  • Ambient web to create hype as your potential customer will be looking for information and it will be good for them to know that you will be doing a promotion. 
  • Increased investment in advertising with campaigns to inject traffic so that you can then use that traffic on different audiences to retarget.
  • Finalize preparations, procurement and logistics. These will be days with more daily orders and we do not want to overflow and not be able to attend all of them with quality. 
  • Maintain a monitoring and continuous communication with all departments and partners involved. Since the success of the promotion depends on everyone equally and we do not want to leave anything unarticulated. 
black friday calendar

What to do during Black Friday week?

This is THE WEEKWe say the week because there are few ecommerce that limit themselves to have offers only on Fridays. During this week the work is based on keeping track of all the things that happen:

  • Analyzes the promotional actions followed and sales and revenues that they are having.
  • With the above analysis, optimize your strategy on a daily basis in relation to the results obtained
  • Review the campaign budget constantly and its profitability to adjust according to this.
  • It promotes the best-selling products either from the web or in campaigns and hides out-of-stock products so that the user does not lose focus.
  • Make a monitoring of possible errors that may occur on your websiteThe system has been tested to ensure that it is working properly, from navigation to payment methods.

What to do after Black Friday week?

It's finally over! Now the Black Friday hangover can't stop us from doing the most important thing, analyzing everything that has happened so that next year we can do even better.

  • It is necessary to analyze the overall results and results in each strategic action.
  • Be critical of the results and evolution of promotions. If good sales have required a lot of investment and effort, they may not be so good, so put the data in real terms.
  • Check the result of your stock, depending on the advertising actions. Knowing whether you were left with stock or if you were short, it was a question of the price of the type of action, will help you next year to define it even better.
  • Analyze your profitability, cost and sales performance objectively, review the cost of each one and the actual income and result, in order to assess its overall impact.
  • This is the icing on the cake: leave all the conclusions for the coming year. You will be grateful the following August and, above all, your customer.

Here we leave you our planning and all these tips, and with them we hope that your next Black Friday will not catch you disconnected.

And if you need help to boost your ecommerce, at Geotelecom we have a Business Intelligence team to help you in your strategy from start to finish. Contact us now and we will tell you how we work. 

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