Advantages of verifying and claiming a Web site at the MCA level

If you are familiar with the management of Google Shopping campaigns or you are planning to launch one, you will know that the first essential step to do so is the creation of a Google Merchant Center account in which to upload and host our product feed, the Ecommerce catalog. During the creation of the Google Merchant Center account it is necessary to verify and claim the Web site by means of a series of options that you can remember in the post of "Errors in Merchant Center". we wrote a few months ago.

Through this procedure we make Google see that the Web site that we want to associate with the Merchant account is really ours.

A key point of Google's policies is that. a Web site can only be claimed by one Merchant Center accountbut something very interesting is the possibility to make this claim not at account level but at Multi-Client Account level. But... how is it done, what do we achieve with this, for what type of advertisers is it of interest?

Let's go by parts as Jack said... =)

How do we create an MCA or multi-client account in Merchant Center?

To create the MCA or Merchant Center Multi-Customer Account it is necessary to contact Google either through this form or directly by calling support. We recommend the latter option as they give you a faster response and are "very nice".

Once we have our MCA is as simple as creating a new account or linking an existing one (by calling Google Support).

create-merchant-accountIn this case, the claim and verification of the web domain would be done from the MCA itself.without accessing each account individually.

From the section Company Information we would go on to fill in the Company Name and the WebsiteIn this way, the option to "Verify and Claim" the indicated Web site will be enabled:


Finally, at the level of each of the accounts that we believe would not need to be verified and claimed y we would set as the Web site of each account the URL with the subdomain for example, and They should always be directed to the general domain verified and claimed from the MCA.

What do we get and for what type of advertisers can a multi-client account be of interest?

Practical example to understand it: we have verified and claimed at MCA level the website .

And then we have created 3 accounts oriented to our 3 subdomains:, and .

Assuming that Geotelecom sells Burgos black pudding, we could have the different country data feeds separated in different accounts even though they are oriented to the same domain.

One of the clearest advantages of this functionality is the possibility of establishing a advertiser name in Shopping different for each countryfor example Geotelecom Spain, Geotelecom Uk and Geotelecom Portugal. It seems obvious and that if the domains were independent it would be easily achieved since the Merchant Center accounts must be independent for policy reasons, but for advertisers who have all the languages of the web "hanging" from the same domain this would be impossible by uploading all the feeds in the same account.

It can also be very useful if you want to closely monitor certain products of concernIf they are rejected, they would affect the entire store, so you would isolate them in separate accounts.

We hope that the verification and reclamation of a website at the MCA level can make your life a little easier if your account has a profile similar to the one mentioned in the post.

If you have any questions during the process, you know where to contact us!

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