Business Strategy and Performance Consulting

The main objective of this service is to provide you with a business strategy plan to improve your sme's competitive positioning. This plan will include the necessary investment and the appropriate tools, as well as take advantage of artificial intelligence technologies to improve analytical capabilities. A use case will also be developed to improve your performance and strategy by identifying needs and gaps, as well as opportunities to improve your situation in relation to your competitors.

Amount of aid: 6,000 €. 

    Help you are interested in

    Service activities

    Establish with you a medium and long-term strategy to implement and optimize business intelligence to improve performance.

    Assess your current business intelligence situation to determine needs, identify gaps in the use of technologies and find opportunities for improvement.

    Design and execute a use case that shows the effectiveness of competitive analysis techniques to improve business strategy and performance.

    Detect opportunities and possible applications of artificial intelligence in business strategy and performance.

    Suggest recommendations for developing analytical skills and promoting a culture of data-driven decision making and artificial intelligence algorithms in today's competitive environment.

    Guide you in the adoption of advanced machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining techniques and tools, tailored to the specific needs of your SME and aligned with your business objectives.

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