Customer Match for Google Shopping? It's almost here!

Last Thursday (14th July) Google announced the new update related to Google Shopping: segmenting your audience by customer match.

For those users used to dealing with Adwords, this new possibility will be quite familiar, since last year the giant search-engine company launched Shopping Remarketing Listswhich allow you to reconnect with past visitors to your website.

Actually, this is its main advantage: targeting shopping campaigns to your highest value customers (newsletter subscribers, previous purchasers, local shoppers, etc.). This update offers, clearly, huge possibilities that may help you achieve all your goals, but how does it work?

First of all, you need to upload a list of email addresses into Adwords that belong to those customers you want to impact. After that, the system will match those email addresses to signed-in users in Google. Obviously, those customers' data will be kept safe, as Google privacy policy establishes.

Now, you are ready to create and launch a campaign targeted to this segmented group of people and set the bids that you consider will help you get the best results. Thanks to these lists, apart from targeting a very specific group of users, you will be able to increase the visibility of your brand and products among your highest value customers.

This new update of Google Shopping will not be available until later this summer. Nevertheless, you can sign up and participate in the beta version. In Geotelecom we are willing to give it a try, what about you?

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