Customize Analytics: create your own reports and dashboards.

Custom reports and dashboards in Analytics

We are used to reviewing dashboards in search of data that provide us with the insight we need to make decisions. We browse the platforms to find the most accurate information in each of the different sections, both for our analysis and to share information with the client and be able to give a global vision with the data that generates the most interest.
The implementation of Data Studio has long since simplified the merging of a lot of data from different dashboards. However, we can customize the view from within Analytics to be able to bring together data from different categories in dashboards and/or reports from one and other sections. Analytics offers an interesting solution for all this.
The creation of customized reports and dashboards in Analytics allows us to build our own dashboard. In them we can concentrate our information of interest and be able to share it with the client.

Google Analytics Dashboards

Custom dashboards are the solution that allows a quick view of all those metrics in a visual way. You can add the data of the most important indicators according to the business model. Analytics allows you to create up to 20 dashboards with up to 12 widgets each. You can customize yours or import dashboard models that resemble your interests and then adapt them further. You can go even further and create general dashboards and others separated by channels, even by payment platforms.

Create your own dashboard

Dashboards in Analytics are easy to create:
Select where you want to create the panel from.

Add the widgets you need.

If you are interested in conversions you will be able to add widgets such as revenue, conversions, transactions per device... any data or comparative relevant to your analysis.

Configure your customized report

Custom reports are also a metrics view, less visual than dashboards, but more in-depth for data analysis.
Instead of displaying all the information provided by the standard reports, you can customize them to add the most relevant data for your management. This will save you time navigating through all the categories and dashboards that Analytics offers you. You will avoid falling into overinformation and you will be able to focus on what is most important, without wasting time navigating from one tab to another.
Identify your target and who will use the information, design the format and add the data and metrics you are most interested in.

Now you can try to customize your reports and dashboards. You will find templates to download very quickly or share with other users the templates you have already created.

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