Last Wednesday (October 23rd) took place in Madrid the Google Partners Workshop: International Growth of which we had the pleasure of co-organizing together with Google. An event in which we discussed the key points for the internationalization of an online store and how we can help from Geotelecom thanks to our know-how and to the exclusive use we make of the tool Google Market Explorer. Sespecially on dates as important as Blackfriday which is just around the corner.
Some Geotelecom colleagues and Google colleagues, we were able to listen and advise several CEOs and marketing managers of Spanish ecommerces, who shared their experiences and doubts about internationalization. Personally, I think this was the highlight of the eventThe proactivity of the attendees and their willingness to share their knowledge with the other guests in order to learn from each other.
Development of the event
After Google's introduction, our colleague Raúl Salas began his presentation by talking about the agency's own tools, such as Geofeed or Spy Pricing and went on to emphasize the importance of internationalization as a factor for business growth and gave a series of tips on how to achieve it.
Panel discussion
Afterwards, I had the pleasure of joining Héctor Rubio and Víctor Juárez, CEOs of webcartridge y mitigendadearte respectively, in a panel discussion in which they shared their knowledge on different topics related to internationalization. A real luxury coming from two people with so much experience and knowledge in the world of ecommerce and its internationalization.
Afterwards, we held a workshop by groups in which the main doubts and keys of the event were collected, which were later presented by those responsible for each group as we can see in the image below:
And last but not least, we enjoyed a great cocktail where we were able to get to know each other better and resolve the doubts and concerns that arose after the various presentations and discussions.
The good atmosphere that was breathed and the great value it brought to the attendees made this event, without a doubt, one of the best in which we have participated, something that was noticeable in the satisfaction of all the guests.
Thank you very much to all the attendees and to Google for joining us in the organization.
See you in the next one!