Today is undoubtedly one of the days that our team will remember for a long time. At the beginning of July we told you that Geotelecom was in the running for the Google Premier Partner Awards 2018.This is the third consecutive year that we have been a candidate. During this period our team has grown exponentially. In addition, we have had the opportunity to put into practice the latest news released by Google. All this always with a view to offer the best result to our customers. The innovation and the teamwork as our main sign of identity lead us to improve year after year. On this occasion we go hand in hand with Bulevip like Case Studyone of the eCommerce reference in Spain. The Google Oscars have published their list of finalists today, a day we had marked on our calendar.

Finalists in the Google Premier Partner Awards 2018!

We are happy to share news of this significance for our team, a recognition of our daily work. We are once again achieving a milestone reached back in 2016, when we also achieved the Google Premier Partner Awards 2016 nomination for the category Shopping Innovation.
After the nomination, part of our team will travel to Dublin. There, Google organizes the corresponding gala for all the finalist agencies in the region EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)Do you want to check the list of finalists this 2018? Here you can consult the updated list that Google provides each year. With the initial joy of being finalists is now mixed a great desire for such an important day for Geotelecom. We are aware that the simple nomination is already a great recognition for the work done by our team.
However, this year we hope to be able to return from Ireland with the award under our arms. See you in Dublin from October 15 to 17! We'll tell you the 'minute by minute' in our social networks 😉