Geotelecom grows We are moving to C / Vitoria!

Today we finally write from C / Vitoria. 73-75. Mezzanine. This week's post, comes with very good news for us: Geotelecom grows (in space and staffing). And of course, we want to share this moment with you! A moment of illusion and emotion for all the Geotelecom Team.

Geotelecom's old office

We moved to a new work center, with more space, and full of surprises! On the main street of the city of Burgos. It is the beginning of a new stage for the company. With the good results of 2016, the idea of a better place became imminent.The aim is to expand the human resources of the company. After a long work (and wait), is already a reality.

Last Thursday, May 11, we set out to packing our guitars and computers (in fact, not too much furniture because a lot of it is brand new. ). But anyway, the essentials! Some shelves, documents, pictures, screens ... Finally, around 12.30 p.m., together with the moving truck, we arrived at our new location.

Geotelecom grows in staff and size

Vinyls in Geotelecom's office
Our electric guitars are moving
New Geotelecom room

Every single detail, were all a secret to usas our CEO, Jorge Arias, did not want to reveal anything until the last minute. We still have a few little things to be perfected, but here's a small preview!      

Geotelecom grows, but our philosophy does not change. We are very proud to have reached this point, and we are very proud to have we do not forget all those who have taken part in this journeyTo all of you, thank you very much for your trust! We continue at the foot of the cannon but in a more comfortable environment.

As we said at the beginning of the post, a new stage begins, let's hope in your company! Coming soon, opening  What do you think about what you see? do you think it fits with our brand? do you have any suggestions? We encourage you to visit us at C / Vitoria. 73-75. Entreplanta (Burgos)! And also, to visit us on our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn o Google+.

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