Free Google Shopping? We tell you about it

Yesterday, Google introduced the possibility of publishing your products on Free Google Shopping. No matter the size of your company or catalog. That's right, only available in the United States for the time being.

Free Google Shopping

The priority  will continue to have it for those who advertisers making advertising investmentsBut for the first time since 2012, there will be a free option to upload our products.
As well as e-commerce companies that invest in advertising, it is necessary to increase a catalog to Merchant Center. Once the products have been approved, they will appear in a section called "Popular Products". We must select the option "Surfaces Across Google". in Merchant Center. We will be given this new option by the end of April in the U.S. and it is expected to be activated in the rest of the world by the end of 2020.

What are the reasons that led you to this decision?

This decision, according to Google's president of commerce, Bill Ready, has been made for several reasons: "We are seeing that there are many retailers and small businesses, those that are ready to serve buyers, but do not yet have one. way to connect digitally with them". He also added: "We believe that by doing this, we help many more buyers to find what they're looking for, but we also help to provide relief very necessary to the ecosystem retail and small business“.
Google had been working for some time, as they tell The Verge, on making these changes, but due to the current COVID-19 crisis they have been forced to accelerate their release times for this new option.
There is talk that it may also be an answer to combat the Amazon's growth in recent years, since the more e-commerce Google Shopping hosts, the more competitive options it will have against Amazon.

Paypal + Google

Google has partnered with PayPal to make it easier for new merchants to join the platform. It will allow them to link their accounts to accept online payments.
Google has also partnered with companies such as Shopify and WooCommerce. It will facilitate the creation of data feeds and will speed up the publication in Google Shopping of those e-commerce that require it.
What do you think of these new options provided by Google? We will read you in the comments.

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