Impact of COVID19 on SEO: Threat or Opportunity?

Hasta ahora os habíamos hablado de measures taken by Google in response to the crisisThe impact on advertising investment and the business perspective of CEOs affected by the crisis in various verticals.

The organic channel has also suffered an evolution during these first weeks of quarantine, so we bring you the conclusions we have drawn from the data collected in Spain at a general level:

General trend of the COVID-19 effect on SEO

Number of users and sessions
While it is true that the initial trend in Spain has also been one of plummeting visits. (especially in sectors such as tourism or hospitality), it seems that just as we have left behind the highest peak of infections, it is also true that in some sectors visits are beginning to increase slightly.
Traffic quality
The amount of page views and logged sessions logically has declined. However, the bounce rate has also decreased and the conversion rate has increased, so we can deduce that traffic quality has improved and incoming users have a higher purchase intent than before.
It is impossible to talk about variation in income without specifying the sector, so if you want to know how this quarantine has affected your income, don't worry, we make it easy for you at the end of this post a template of Data Studio to assess the impact on your e-commerce.

Life habits during the coronavirus

Undoubtedly, the state of alarm and COVID-19 have changed our living habits these past few weeks:

  • We spent the day in social networks.
  • We saturate servers with cooperative gaming platforms.
  • We don't miss a single premiere. Literally, there is no one who doesn't have a Netflix, HBO or Disney+.
  • We adopt the videoconferencing as a synonym of social life.
  • Contact us at we wash our hands compulsively, as if our lives were at stake. It's our life in it.

Coronavirus threat has not only changed living habitsbut consumer productsThe downturn in daily life has forced many companies to close their local businesses, go on ERTE or even cease their professional activity.
Those who are fortunate enough to remain in business thanks to the Internet and are able to send their products do not escape the COVID-19 effect either.

Coronavirus and SEO: from our body to our mind.

Days go by, personal and economic health is taking its toll on all Spanish families. Most niches are feeling this crisis in their flesh and this is reflected in both physical and online commerce, and SEO is not going to be less. The private firm Deloitte has launched a Impact Report and Recovery Scenarios in Consumption and Distribution due to COVID-19 where we find, among other things, the estimated economic impact on the distribution of per capita disposable income.

consumer spending during the pandemicReport of Deloitte with the Estimation of the distribution of disposable income per capita (%).

And from this we all ask ourselves a very clear question....

How is the Coronavirus affecting SEO metrics?

This is no surprise. The answer, as almost always, is depends. Searches always reflect human behaviorCOVID-19 is affecting each of the niches in very different ways.
This is something we see with the naked eye when we go to Mercadona and see a kilometer-long line, or in e-commerces that sell food products, which are experiencing a peak in sales.
Then within each niche we also have to look at the behavior in each category, for example in food the first days the traffic shot up towards "non-perishable food" due to the impact caused by knowing that we had to be confined in our little house for several days to get social distancing in the shelter of our home. Without further ado, let's go with more conclusions that the SEO team has been able to draw these days.

A bug against niches: coronavirus effect

It is evident that coronavirus has had a significant impact on all aspects of our lives. On a psychological level, it has made us think about our vulnerability as human beings and on an economic level we have encountered an almost total collapse of our systems.

Which sectors have gained?

It is difficult to talk about winners when we are going through a health crisis. However, many of these businesses retail have been a fundamental part of the way in which we have been complex confinement situation.
Among the best performing niches health-related businesses such as parapharmacies, food stores, and health wellness. Another sector that is not so favored, but which has managed to maintain its position without drastic changes, is the retail stores. appliances and spare parts which, together with electronics, have accounted for a large percentage of Internet purchases.

Which sectors have lost?

Reality forces us to be at home, which is why sectors such as the fashionbeauty and travel are the most significantly affected.

Interesting COVID-19 data

Did you know that purchases of alcoholic beverages like beer has increased a 78% according to the weekly analysis collected by The Economist Or that, on the contrary, sales of sex toys have increased by 40% to 60% in some European countries?
Here are some curious facts that, despite the crisis, are still interesting:

infographic covid impact

How user sessions have evolved

Another very important aspect, in addition to the above, is the analysis of the evolution of niches and less demanded during the period of confinement.
For this reason, we have compared the most relevant data of these three weeks in contrast to the three weeks prior to the state of alarm in order to detect the growth or decline of certain sectors.

Will the sector be able to recover retail of COVID-19?

There will be no immediate recoveryIn addition, many experts have estimated that the recovery will be gradual and some sectors will be able to recover faster than others.
According to the study conducted by Deloitte Spain mentioned above, the rtotal recovery will not be carried out until early January 2021. This is because the stabilization of all sectors will not be immediate, which generates an inevitable chain reaction.

Source: Deloitte Spain

We have witnessed significant declines in the travel and cruise sector for obvious reasons. It is estimated that, once the state of alarm is over, it will be a sector that will be on the rise, but it will not be an exponential growth as will the retail.

Categorizing, which is gerund

In addition to this, the firm StackLine has compiled the 100 categories that have grown the most this past March compared to the previous year, as well as those 100 that have decreased the most. The main cause? Coronavirus.

affected categories covid seo

Source: Stackline Report.

Undoubtedly more than useful information to get an idea of categories or products that we can try to promote during these days or those that unfortunately will be relegated.

SEO tools that will help us on a daily basis

There are a variety of options for working with SEO toolssome are free for a project and with limits on searches and reports. Starting from Google Trend to get general data of the main search trends.
For personal projects and with a single domain, the network offers several options at zero cost, under registration and with a trial of a few days for testing. SEO web tools on page y off pageWe can also use it to obtain data on our competitors, keywords, related keywords and much more.

Neilpatel has a complete catalog of tools for SEO analysis. A simple keyword search provides search volume, trends and a list of links with the number of searches for the chosen keywords.

But if we are searching, how our competition is being indexed by search engines, Woorank provides us with data on the titles and main keywords and a whole catalog of options.

We leave you a list with a selection of tools that you can test in your projects:

  • Cognitive SEO offers a 7-day trial and the main SEO tools to analyze the competition in relation to your domain.
  • SEO Optimer analyzes the main variables that can affect the positioning of your web project. Without prior registration you can know the SEO health of your domain.
  • Openlinkprofiler gives us the possibility to have quality information about our competitors. Link pointing to your domain, relevance and content of the links.
  • Keywordtool is a keyword and related search engine for platforms such as youtube, Amazon, Ebay and social networks.
  • Varvy is a simple tool that offers an analysis of the visibility and indexation of your web project on mobile.
  • Siteliner is another web portal to search for duplicate content on your website, broken links and internal links. Without registration it analyzes up to 250 pages per domain, and compares your domain with the competition. You can download pdf reports and the XML sitemap of your domain and include it in Google Search console.

seo reports tools
Another option that some SEO platforms offer us are the browser extensions. They facilitate the work of searching while browsing. We have selected two extensions compatible with Google Chrome and Firefox.

  • Seoquake analyzes incoming and outgoing links, and compares domains and URLs in real time, without leaving your browser.
  • Moz is another extension to get in a couple of clicks data about meta description, rel canonical, meta robots and http status. It has a 30 days free trial.

If you want to know if your website was affected by this event and you want to recover your visibility, please consult our SEO analysis audits where you will be able to detect errors and opportunities.

A special gift for these days...

And as promised, here is the link to our DataStudio template to assess the impact of these first three weeks on your business.


And if you miss any important KPI, let us know so we can take it into account next time 😉.]]>

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