Set an alternative language in Merchant

Working on international Shopping accounts implies not only knowing the particularities and behaviors of foreign audiences, but also knowing how we can reach these audiences in the broadest and most complete way.

 Do you work Shopping in foreign accounts?

A factor to take into account when promoting Shopping internationally is the language variant that may occur in some countries, since Merchant offers the possibility of associating several data feeds with different languages to a single country. An example is Belgium, where the official languages are Dutch and French, or Norway with respect to Norwegian and English, and so on in many other cases. In the following link you will find all the information regarding the languages enabled by country and their currencies in Merchant:

When you start working in a foreign country, it is best to know which official languages are spoken in that country and which ones Shopping has enabled. If we have the possibility of promoting ourselves in several languages, the ideal is to proceed to upload the data feed in the complementary language within the Merchant account. What we are interested in is to reach the largest number of users of that destination and in the most convenient and relevant way for them, since this way we will promote the conversion rate in our business.

How to set up an alternative language in Merchant for your campaign?

The configuration is very simple. To implement this new feed it is important to take into account the country to which we are going to direct it, the idioma and the currency. Here are the steps to follow when setting up a data feed for Norway in the English language:

Setting up alternate language in Merchant Center
Alternative Language at Merchant Center

In the Feed Configuration section, select the country Norway, English language y currency in Norwegian kroner. It is important to pay attention to these three factors in both the feed to be uploaded and the Merchant configuration. In some cases where the currency is shared we will be able to reuse the feed we are running in another country with the language we are interested in without having to generate an exclusive feed. An example would be Belgium whose enabled languages are French and Dutch, in both situations we could reuse the feed we are using in France and the feed in the Netherlands to cover their language coverage since they share the Euro currency.

What should we do in our Shopping campaign with the alternative language configured?

It is not really necessary to make any modifications. Depending on the language in which the user performs the search, Google will detect which language the term corresponds to and will display the product in a coherent way. The changes that we will see in our shopping campaign will be, on the one hand, that the volume of products uploaded will increase, and on the other hand, that the volume of products uploaded will increase. duplicate and on the other that will increase the volume of search terms in the alternative languageThis implementation will provide us with very valuable data on search terms segmented by language, data that we can use to work in parallel on the Search Network with the terms that give us the best performance.

Now try it and measure results!

If you are promoting an e-commerce in Shopping in a foreign country we invite you from Geotelecom to implement these guidelines to strengthen your reach and study in a more complete and comprehensive way their behavior. If you can expand your opportunities, why not do it?

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