Local Campaigns - Google Ads

In this week's post we bring you a new type of Google Ads campaigns: local campaigns. These types of campaigns have been around for a few months now, but they are yet to be exploited. In fact, at the Google Marketing Livede two weeks ago, a special emphasis was placed on the local campaignsSo we're going to tell you everything you need to know to get them up and running. Shall we get started?

As you can already imagine from the name of these campaigns, the main objective is to promote physical stores, with the aim ofmaximize physical visitors.Advertisements may appear in the network ofsearch and display, on Google Maps and on Youtube.In this linkyou can see it explained in more detail. Let's see how to configure them:
First of all, we must make sure that we comply with the following requirements requirements to activate local campaigns:
  • To have several physical stores.
  • Have linked Google My Business account with Google Ads. If you have any doubts in the process, you can consult this link.
  • Activate the location extensions.
  • Have sufficient data on store visits in the backend. In this way, they can be attributed to ad clicks or viewable impressions.

If we meet these conditions, we are ready to create the campaigns. To do so:

  • Within our Google Ads account, we create a new campaign.
  • Select store visits and local promotions.
  • You can then choose to select Google My Business to select your locations or use the affiliated locations (option for chain stores).
  • This part of the configuration is the only one that differs from the creation of any other type of campaign.. Then, we will have to assign a name to the campaign, complete the ad with titles, descriptions, calls to action, images, logos and videos (mandatory, with a minimum duration of 10 seconds).
  • Finally, we will add bid adjustments, set the languages and the daily budget.

We are almost ready to start seeing the first data from the campaigns, but what are we missing? Indeed, the measurement. Let's see what we need to know to measure the impact of local campaigns correctly:
We will have to generate a new conversion: store visits. With this tracking method, we will be able to know to what extent the clicks and impressions of our local campaign is attracting new visitors to our physical stores. It is important to know that in the display network an impression will be counted as visible as long as it appears in the display network. at least the 50% in the ad on the screen during, at least 1 second (based on Active View technology). It is also worth mentioning that advertisers related to healthcare, religion, adult content and children's will not be able to use this conversion trackingas they are not available for these categories.
Once our campaigns go live, we will be able to find our advertisements in the formats shown below.
From Geotelecom we encourage you to try to create local campaigns for those customers who can benefit from them and share with us the results!


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