Forget about the cumbersome path of having to go to the "dimensions" tab in Google AdWords or to the "dimensions" tab in Google AdWords. Google Analytics to be able to discern which locations were the most relevant or profitable for your campaigns; and then go to Google AdWords campaigns to apply the appropriate changes based on this information.
Thanks to the Location Reports now it is possible to know, campaign by campaign, where (country, community, province, municipality, city, airport or neighborhood) our ads have been shown and with what results, taking into account the entire historical period and without the need to have had those locations specifically added.
In addition, through this channel you can make adjustments to the bid (either to increase or decrease it) in each of the locations, as well as add or exclude new locations to your campaign settings.
Access the Location Reports:
You simply have to go to the locations section within the campaign settings. There, you will be able to select "View Location reports", and by selecting "what triggered the ad", you will be able to select the country you are interested in, and change the preview for each of the available locations.
This will display all the locations, within that category, for which our publications have been activated. And, best of all, we will see the information for each of them taking into account the entire history.
Once deployed, the Location ReportsThe screen will show a result similar to this one, displayed by provinces.
Once all the information provided by the Location Reports has been analyzed, we can make decisions and apply them directly from the same panel. To do this, just select the locations where we want to make these modifications and select "edit", there we can modify bids and add or exclude locations that we think should be treated differently.
Did you know that there is a similar option but with the scheduling of ads? In this case, all the information segmented by days of the week or by time and days of the week can be found in "Ad scheduling".programming details"However, this option does not allow us to add new time segments from the same panel, nor to make bidding modifications for them.
We hope you find the information useful and that it will help you to save time when analyzing and acting on your data by using the Location Reports.