Product Catalog on Facebook

How to set up and upload a product catalog on Facebook? Setting up a product catalog based on the guidelines provided by Facebook is the first step to create dynamic ads through which retailers can expose all their products.

How to prepare before configuring the product catalog?

The first thing to do is to prepare a Data Feed where we collect all the relevant information about the products we want to sell. ¿What is the relevant information? The fields to fill in for the product catalog do not differ too much from those required to advertise on Google Shopping: Product ID, Title, Link, Description, Product Category, Availability, Price, GTIN...

And then?

Once you have this small database, which you can create in different formats, you have to upload it to Facebook's Business Manager platform. "Business Configuration", select "Product Catalogs". and click again on "add a new product catalog" (you can also request access to an existing catalog).

Upload the product catalog to facebook - First Step
Upload the product catalog to facebook

At this point you can assign a name for the product catalog (feed name) and add the list of products. This upload can be done automatically through a URL (for example, the one generated by Google Merchant modules for e-commerce platforms) or manually. The updating and uploading of the data feed for the creation of a product catalog can be programmed. A tip: schedule this update on a daily basis.

Upload the product catalog to facebook -Second Step
Upload the product catalog to facebook -Second Step
Upload the product catalog to facebook - Third Step
Upload the product catalog to facebook - Step 3

Are we finished?

Not yet! Now there's the good part, use the product catalog you have uploaded to the platform to make dynamic ads, product carousels or even to organize your own store through Facebook.

With these small steps you have all the possibilities open to you for the creation and management of dynamic ads and products based on this product catalog.

And now, how are you going to implement it?

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