Session quality, new functionality in Google Analytics BETA

En el día de hoy queremos traeros una métrica disponible en el panel de Google Analytics. Nos referimos a la quality of the session. Thiscategorizes the different user sessions in a sort of ranking according to their proximity to conversion, their behavior on the Web and other metrics similar to those used in the creation of smart lists and smart targets.

In order to have access to this section within Google Analytics, it is necessary to have at least 1,000 transactionsper month. In addition, the system will require 30 days of data to create the model.

As can be seen in the image, the quality of the session groups the different sessions based on a score, being 100 the highest quality and, therefore, the one of greatest interest to the business.

session quality example


How to take advantage of 'Session Quality'.

One of the most interesting opportunities provided by the session quality metrics is the fact that we can create segments. Y consequently remarketing lists for use in our Google Ads campaigns.

Logically, it is not a question of generating segments "no control" but to think about which audience can be more useful and profitable for the business.

An example could be this group of sessions with session quality between 51 and 100. As can be seen, they correspond to a very small percentage of the total sessions. However, their contribution to the total sales volume is more than 70%. Moreover, what do you think of the percentage of conversions? UNBELIEVABLE!

However, What do we do with this information? remarketing lists focused on this audience? or perhaps only to the users in this ranking, excluding those who have already bought from us? do we exclude users with a very low session quality? The possibilities are many and these are just a few ideas to stir your imagination =)

Undoubtedly, this metric opens up a wide range of possibilities and above all something very important, more information!

Once again, Google demonstrates its interest in innovating and progressing in all of its business models. automatic learningwhose maximum exponent is DoubleClick and the Data Driven attribution model.

We have already started to make use of this session quality data to improve our clients' outcomes. We will soon tell you about our experience! Can you tell us about yours?


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