How to remove a 'fake' order in Google Analytics?

Have you been 'trolled' lately?  Black Friday is a date that is very prone to this type of situation and several of our clients have been victims of false transactions for values in excess of 200,000 €. What can we do in these cases? Although we cannot delete an order 'fake' completely, we can include another for the same amount in negative. That's more! We have three methods to do it in an easy and fast way. From Geotelecom, we give you 3 options to remove an order from Google Analytics in a simple way.

1st option

Create a duplicate of the 'thank you to put a transaction in negative by changing the JS code of the previous transaction.
Interesting, but if you lack programming skills, not very useful to go fast!

2nd option

Sending a Negative Transaction HIT to the specific Google Analytics account.

IMPORTANTFirst authorize by logging in.

At this URL you have a sample of all the HITS that you can modify  (for different situations that you may encounter):

In this particular case, we need the Transaction Hit Tool: Hit Builder Measurement protocol.

Once here, the fields mandatory are:

  • v = value always 1
  • t = transaction. (Although they can be the rest of Hits as page view, event, etc.).
  • tid = property ID. (e.g. UA-23417-64)
  • cid = anonymous customer ID. (Any alphanumeric in style 639)
  • ti = Transaction ID. (With the CMS number to visualize which one we negativize)
  • tr = Transaction Revenues. (Example 200,000 €)
  • cu = currency code. (Example: EUR, USD, etc)

What about the optional?

  • ta = Affiliation to the transaction. (Payment method, or whatever this field specifies in 'sales performance' in Analytics).
  • ts = Shipping. (Example: shipping costs 3 €)
  • tt = Transaction taxes (if we want to specify it separately)

Although for the topic at hand this is what we need to know, if you want to investigate on your own the rest of the parameters, you have the library in this link. This is how it would look like:

Hit Transaction Analytics
Finally, we validate the HIT at the top:
Validating Analytics Hits

3rd and last option to remove a 'fake' order in Analytics

Import a .csv file with information from reimbursement in Google Analytics itself.
This file can be very simple (specifying only the transaction ID):
Excel for reimbursements in Analytics

Or very complicated, if we want to reimburse only certain products within an order, specify the amount of shipping costs, etc.

Detail of orders in Excel

In this case we must fill in all the data and include it in the Analytics interface itself, in the outline of the section explained below.

Schema for Analytics csv*Product SKU: code to identify the product.

*Quantity Refunded: total number of units refunded.

* RevenueWe use it to cancel the payment of the total amount of the original transaction (including shipping and handling and taxes).

Where? In property in Analytics > Data import > Create new import > Reimbursement data:

 Data import
 Import of Analytics rebates

Once created, we upload the .csv file to Manage uploads (one step back).

Managing Analytics uploads► REQUIREMENTS:

  • Be using the Universal Analytics tracking code.
  • Transactions we wish to refund must fall under 'enhanced e-commerce'.
  • The transaction ID must be the original.
  • We can only reimburse transactions for the most recent 6 months.
  • More information on importing data in the following link.

What is our favorite option?

Understanding that as we are not programmers we are between 2 and 3, we'll go with option 2! In 3, we can easily see the sum of reimbursements for the month and subtract it from the overall income. (to get an idea)but is not subtracted from the total sum. However, in option 2 remains the full actual figure of our profits.

That's it! Select the easiest method for you and work with accurate data.

We leave as a complement the PDF presentation created for our Training Fridays in the Agency. If you have any doubts, in Geotelecom we have the following service google ads consulting where we give a complete and professional support to all our customers.

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