We are back with a new post that may be useful to many of you, time to optimize your Gmail campaigns to the maximum on Google Adwords thanks to the demographic segmentation!
As you know, the Gmail campaigns are Display campaigns that impact users who have in their inbox other emails with certain characteristics (containing certain keywords, coming from competitors...) and that are displayed in the "Promotions" tab.
But, what can we do to make our ads as relevant as possible and therefore achieve better results? Google Adwords provides us with a series of demographic data at the level of "Audiences" in Search Network campaigns and at the level of "Display Network" in Display campaigns.
Most of the time, in Search or pure Display or remarketing campaigns, this demographic segmentation data does not usually provide us with much, since a large percentage of the audience that is collected appears to be included as "Unknown" when not logged in.
However, and thinking about it logically, every user who is in their Gmail inbox is logged in with their account, so this demographic data becomes even more relevant. While it is true that there may still be KPIs framed as "Unknown" audience since when creating a Google account you can select the option "Other" or "I prefer not to say", but the proportion is much lower than in other types of campaigns.
In the following image we can see the data by sex of a Gmail campaign in the last 3 months: Suppose this data corresponds to a clothing store, seeing the good results obtained with the female audience, it might be worth separating the campaign into several groups of ads (one for each gender), with specific texts and creatives for each of them, for example promoting suits for men and dresses for women.
We continue with the data concerning ageThe figures of the 18-24 year-old audience in terms of profitability are much higher than the rest of the age groups, so the separation by ad groups focused on each age would be even more justified. For example, if you were a travel agency, you could target ad creatives oriented to music festivals for young audiences and others for more familiar holiday destinations for people over 35 years old.
As you can see the possibilities that this opens up for us The interpretation of this data is manifold and will undoubtedly help your campaigns achieve better results. What are you waiting for to use it? Tell us about your experiences with such campaigns and with the interpretation of demographic segmentation data!