21st Century Advertising Stereotypes

As we told you in the previous postalong the advertising history many stereotypes emerge and have become established, forming part of our lives until practically the present day. The 20th century was a hotbed of these types of "prejudices" or "stereotypes" but, in the 21st century, does anything change?

In the early 2000 society copies the same patterns we saw in previous decades. It is true that little by little we are seeing an evolution.

Major brands, such as Nokia, promote much more inclusive advertising, including other races, ethnicities and cultures.

However, women are still in the background and it is not until 2010 when a new way of thinking emerges, much more open and "away" a little from the stereotypes that we had been bringing. Now women are supermoms, heroines and new family models are advertised.

Although it should be mentioned that sexist advertising has not completely disappeared. In Spain, only six advertising complaints of this type have been brought to justice in the last decade.

The advertising boom The most important event of the year is the arrival of the social networks. These platforms have more than 3.5 billion users. Companies have found in the social networks an unstoppable business model intervening in the 73% of online sales. They allow for greater inclusion than conventional media and break stereotypes by highlighting multiculturalism.

The "influencer phenomenon"has meant a before and after in advertising. Brands use these influences as ambassadors who, in many cases, override the canons that have developed over the past century. In social networks there is room for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age and physique. However, all that glitters is not gold and only 20% of influencers respect advertising rules in their collaborations with brands.

Despite all the advances, only 14% of discriminated groups feel represented in advertisingand proof of this are images such as the following:

So although we have evolved a lot over the years, there is still a long way to go. What do you think?

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