As explained in theAdwords Helpthe keyword insertion allows our ads to automatically adapt based on whether the user's search matches the search query. keyword used.
If you are a regular user of Google Adwords you will know that to make use of this option you just have to type in the title of the advertisement {KeyWord:..........} followed by an alternative text that will replace the keyword space if the search does not match the keyword.
This technique is most often used when a new product is introduced in the keyword in [exact] match to make the ad more relevant, but what if the keywords were in other matches (modified broad, full broad or phrase broad)?
We would like to share with all of you a very illustrative test example to dispel any doubts:
We start from a keyword in modified broad match, which is the only one that is keyword active for this ad group.
We will leave only one ad activated so that it does not compete in the test search with other different ads. Remember this is just an experiment, it's always worth having 2 or 3 active ads to find out which one performs better!
As we can see, the alternative text that should be displayed in case of not matching the keyword would be: "Limpiafondos de Piscinas".
Let's go with the test search! First what seems most obvious...a search for the word "cleaner", matching the one we use as a keyword.
The search term exactly matches the keyword (even though it is in modified broad match) and activates the ad in the title exclusively with the keyword.
This could be more or less predictable but... what if the search was totally different, what would happen? For example: "Buy now online blue pool cleaner". Many of you will think that the search will activate the alternative title of the ad, but remember, the match was widely modified...
BINGO! The match chosen for the keyword will be responsible for activating or not the dynamic insertion.i.e., in this case, as the keyword was +clean funds and this keyword can be found in the body of "buy now online pool cleaners blue" has activated the advertisement with the text of the dynamic insertion.
This rule applies to the different keyword matches, what did you think? Did you know about this interesting detail?
Soon we will bring you new experiments and more curiosities from Google Adwords.