A couple of weeks ago, our colleague Maria published a blog post offering us the following tips to get the most out of the new Google Ads Editor. Today we bring you the second part of this post and we will tell you how you can use the Google Ads Editor for make backup copies of our accounts and also for more effectively manage the audiences of our campaignsIf you are interested, then read on!
How and why create backup copies of our Google Ads accounts?
The reasons may be several, either because we have clients who like to "tinker" with the accounts, or because a client leaves the agency, or simply because we have all our accounts ready in the Editor waiting for the campaign. Black Friday and we do not want to risk a nuclear cataclysm (... or simply a virus) deleting them from our PC.
The point is that with the Google Ads Editor we can make a virtual backup of the status of our accounts at any given time and thanks to this we can restore them whenever we want and continue working as if nothing had happened, with our structure and campaigns as they were at the beginning and with the historical data intact. We can make a copy of one or several complete accounts or of the campaigns and groups we are interested in.
To do so, access the menu Account and then select Export > Full account (or the desired option) and in the option Save As select the file type AEA.
This type of file (.aea) is native to the Google Ads Editor so that we can easily import it whenever we want returning the account, when the changes are published, to the same state in which the copy was created. It's that easy!
Manage audiences effectively using the Google Ads Editor.
Google loves audiences, that's a proven fact... and why deny it, so do we! and we are adding more and more to our accounts: website visitors, cart audiences, smart audiences, in-market, converters... the list is endless and keeping bidding priority between lists of the same type can get really cumbersome. Well, managing these audiences has never been easier using the Google Ads Editor and all thanks to something as simple as the following allows us to sort the lists alphabetically.
To do this, we select the account and the campaign we want to work with, in the administration panel we go to Audiences and in the data view, we go to the Audiences column, click and magic! We can now modify our bidding settings and we will easily visualize if we incur discrepancies during the process.
And for dessert, some shortcuts.
If you have made it this far, as a reward we list below some of the most important shortcuts or shortcuts most common that you can use to become all the real Pro Google Ads Editor.
- CTRL+SHIFT+? = will show the keyboard shortcuts
- CTRL+O = we will open the account manager
- CTRL+SHIFT+A= we will activate the selected elements (campaigns, groups, keywords, audiences)
- CTRL+SHIFT+P= pause the selected elements
- CTRL+P =publish changes
- CTRL+H = search and replace option
- CTRL+B = change bids
That's all for now... and you: do you have any Editor tricks worth sharing? Let us know your experiences!