"If you really impress your customers, they will tell each other about it. Word of mouth is very powerful". Jeff BezosFounder of Amazon. With this sentence we leave you our recommendations and SEO trends for this 2019-2020.
Before reaching that level of impact, you need to stumble, stumble and stumble to understand that a website alone does not guarantee success, but strategy; will and vision, on the other hand, may.
That's why we bring you the SEO trends in late 2019 and early 2020 so that you can "mimic" your most expert competitors without becoming a low-quality copy.
1. Web architecture and SEO trends: how do the big players work?
It is the hierarchical organization that each domain has in relation to its directories, subdirectories, categories of different levels, products and other pages that may be linked.
The most visited web pages in Spain stand out for having a very elaborate architecture, focused above all on the syntax of their urls, taxonomy y ontology.
Syntax of a URL
It refers to the order and relationship of the words included in order to ensure that they comply with the usual structure.

This refers to the relationship between the different categories and subcategories. The more characteristics they have in common, the easier it will be to group them together.
It is no coincidence that when we see a menu in a restaurant, hake is among the fish and tofu is among the vegetarian dishes, sounds logical, doesn't it?
It treats this relationship between categories as a entity-relationship model where the exchange of data between them is involved and, of course, the interlinking.
2. Quality of the contents in the e-commerce large
With the recent algorithm updates In the eyes of search robots, content has become, along with site speed, one of the most important factors in distinguishing between a quality website and an ordinary one.
The SEO trends of this year suggest considering the following:
- No spelling errors, since we do not want users to be frightened by the "horrors" that may be committed by automatisms or poorly done translations.
- Offering something more than what is offered by the title.
- Faithfully represent the title, i.e., whether the metatitle is "Washing machine brand X at the best price" we can't make a user end up on a landing with fan content.
- Include your keywords. These are your best friend, the more you have does not mean you are doing better. Use those that enhance the content and allow you to position.
3. The basics of SEO: the meta tags
Yes, the meta tagsthose elements that some people still do not see the importance they have.
Titles, on the one hand, have a direct impact on positioning, since their purpose is to define the content of the site.
On the other hand, the meta description serves to argue the content and invite the user to click both in organic searches and advertisements.
What is the structure used by the big players?
There is no magic formula, but we bring you some examples of SEO trends for their positive results:
a. . [Product name] [adjective] [brand name] .
b. . [Category name] [adjective] [brand name] .
c. [Personal brand] | [short name of the article/category].
d. [Name of the offer "BlackFriday 2019"] | [Products on offer] | [Name of the brand].
a. Discover our [product name] brands such as [brand names] [adjective] at [web name]✅
b. We have [product name] from [minimum price] [website name].
c. "We're on BlackFriday! Discover our ⭐ deals of up to [X percentage] ⭐ on [product name] that we have for you!"
If you are a well-known brand, it is best to include your name at the beginning to increase the CTR, if you are not yet, it is advisable to add it at the end to give importance to what you can offer to the user.
4. SEO trends in design and usability
Gone are the days of background colors, strange text fonts and 100% desktop-oriented websites.
We are almost in 2020 and the trends are oriented towards cleaner, clearer, intuitive but very dynamic design styles, with the implementation of high quality images, videos and objects with clear calls to action.
From Geotelecom we tell you the UX-UI design trends for this new year:
This style is based on making the elements large and eye-catching in order to increase the permanence of users on the web.

This is based on the use of asymmetrical objects both for the background of the body and for the divisions of the sections in a way that breaks with the standard and offers the user a different perspective.

Hamburger menus:
How do I include all the categories in the menu without making a layout endless? Well, this is why the largest websites have implemented the hamburger menu.

In this example, Amazon keeps non-generic categories in horizontal format and in the vertical menu includes all its categories:

This format is based on the incorporation of a static image in which a specific area of the image maintains the movement. Interesting, isn't it?

Mobile First:
It should not only be responsiveThe mobile version must be designed so that users have a good experience on mobile and be a gateway to the desktop version. Here are some examples:
a. Amazon
b. House of Reva
c. Uncle Luchín
d. Mediamarkt
5. Black Friday giants
In SEO, preparing a Black Friday landing page is vital to focus all related keywords on one url. It is best to anticipate this campaign well in advance of the date. In our post on how to work SEO on Black Friday we tell you what strategies you can follow.
This time, we tell you what the big players did on the latest Black Friday.
Prepare landings
Attack every search intent that matches your offers. Create them months in advance to increase your traffic and position them well for Black Friday.
Use long tails
For more specific search intentions.
Stay away from generalities
The big guys will come up with these searches, but if you're just starting out in this world, we recommend you go for the specifics.
Include the keywords
The most important in your metatags and make sure you have clear offers, with no room for confusion. Add the word of the offer (Black Friday).
We know it's hard to look at the top, but we should never stop doing it. With the right actions, you too can be a giant of the e-commerceWhat are you waiting to become one?
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