What is and how does the google algorithm work?

Google's zoo is quite large, with a wide variety of species that we like to call algorithms. They exist in a more official way since 2011 and every year they are updated to offer users a better browsing experience in their search engine.

Having said that, let's move on to what concerns us, the SEOThe less exact science of marketing and that job with such a simple name but in which what you know is never enough. Marketing, programming, servers, copy, linkbuilding, interlinking,.... so many intertwined tasks, constantly updating to reach the top of a search engine that is becoming more and more important in thousands of stores and businesses worldwide. Guaranteed headache for the body! First of all, as in good schools, it is important to know what the subject we are going to deal with today consists of, algorithmslet's see:

1. What the hell is an algorithm?


First we go with the definition of encyclopedia, which would be something like: "An algorithm is a set of procedures or steps executed in succession that enable a task to be accomplished.". And if we go to the next page in the manual and take this to our favorite giant, Google, its algorithm is a mathematical formulaThe keyword keywords, or set of keywords, that build the criteria according to which Google will position all the contents of any online website in its lists of results by entering certain keywords, better known as keywords. Uff... in TOP schools they also explain this with a good example, don't they?


example google search
pagerank of a website


Imagine, and let it not remain a quest, that you carry out the quest today > "save the amazon".: Google is going to make a series of calculations based on the content of the page, the quality of the content, the links it receives, the loading speedThe quality of the videos, their mobile version, the user behavior, the quality of the videos, the time spent, etc... ( huge listing inevitable as we will never know what 100% takes into account. ), and will sort the results according to all these points (or not) and many more.

In our example we also see that Google offers several types of content in the same SERPIf we then enter the math class and see an example with the formula that Google is believed to take into account / or had taken into account to consider the PageRank, we see something like this: Being:

  • PR(u)pagerank of the pageu.
  • dIts value is between 0 and 1. It is a factor that directly influences whether a user continues browsing within the same website by clicking on a link.
  • PR(v)individual pagerank for each of the pagesvthat link tou.
  • N(v)number of outgoing links fromv(whether internal or external).

Here we see a new protagonist, the PageRank. Let's see...

2. What the heck is PageRank?

calculate page rank

We start with the definition encyclopedic again, we can define PageRank and the formulation above as a ranking system developed by Google to measure the authority of a web page, based on the quality and quantity of all the links pointing to it..

Simply explainedImagine that there are elections and wins the web that receives the most votes, and these are made through links, the only thing to keep in mind is that each vote is not worth the same ( long live democracy! 😉 ), it depends on the quality of these links and the authority they come from.

A few months ago I was with my colleagues explaining how to deal with all this and how to calculate it through matrices. downloadable excel by Manuel Blázquez Ochando, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, which you can find online and we recommend you take a look.

3. What are the main algorithms and what is their function?

It should be noted that Google's algorithms have been evolving over the years, improving along with the search engine, and even in recent years have been added to the search engine itself. core and act on a continuous basis...

3.1 Caffeine

2010, Caffeine or Google's big update, in this case it is more a change of infrastructure than of algorithm, and with this Google wanted to set up a new indexing system for web content, offering a 50% of more current results and much faster than with the previous algorithm. What is affected by Caffeine: New content can be found much faster, Google's storage capacity increases significantly and Google's flexibility with content storage makes it easy to scale.

3.2 First visit to Google Panda

It all started in 2011 with Google Panda, as almost everything the search engine does, it began in the United States in February of that year, to continue in Europe from April, affecting approximately 13% of searches. It is currently integrated into Google's core. What you value: content What Google Panda likes: original content without internal or external duplicates with utility and value for the user.

3.3 Google Penguin as a second point

It seems that April is one of Google's favorite months to launch its algorithms, since a year after the launch of Panda in Europe, in April 2012, came Penguin. This time it was going to be in charge of controlling off-site factors. What you value: link profile What Google Penguin likes: reward patterns with quality, natural and related links that will give to understand that it is a content and an authority site.

3.4 Time to fly with Hummingbird

In August-September 2013 Google activated this algorithm which meant a complete change, affecting up to 90% of searches. What it values or what it affects: conversational search and context in the searches in order to search less and live more. What is the function of Google Hummingbird: provide better results by focusing on the intent behind each search.

3.5 We continue flying with Pigeon

2014, a result of many companies such as Yelp complaining about illicit techniques to have good local SEO by various businesses. What is Google Pigeon's function: control all online businesses that practice local SEO to offer valuable content and a good user experience.

3.6 Next visit to friend Fred

March 2017, one of the most recent and we all noticed abrupt changes in our SEO projects and was mainly looking to end SPAM and optimize the web experience for users. What is Fred's role:remove from the top positions or de-index all pages that receive a large number of poor quality links or pages that have an excessive use of advertising and affiliate links, sites with banners and ads that make the text scroll, annoying pop-ups, websites with duplicate content, etc...

3.7 Medical Update

2018, focused on the healthcare sector and Google sought to show quality and reliable results. Medical Update function: authority-centered quality analysis. Who is affected: Health sector, YMYL pages (your money your life) and "experts, authority and trust" pages. Soon we will have a second version taking this into practice, stay tuned to the blog! NO Zoos, NO Aquariums, NO Animal Circuses, NO Bullfighting.... because visibility is not only in search engines]]]>

How to prevent algorithms from affecting your SEO?

As I mentioned before, algorithms are focused on constantly improving the user experience and for this, if your website does not have useful content, does not load fast, is not accessible to Google, you will not be able to prevent serious ranking drops. For this reason, to prevent this from happening you will need to work on these SEO aspects:

a. Structured data.

b. Web speed.

c. Quality of content.

d. Quality internal and external links.

e. Work on your domain authority.

f. Optimize the technical SEO of the website.


By working on these points, you will be ready to enter the Google Zoo. If you have doubts about whether or not your website meets these requirements, take a look at our SEO audits and consulting and detects opportunities.

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