Multidevice Conversions and Automatic Bidding to Optimize Adwords Campaigns

Multidevice conversions

It seems that Google's friends have heeded the requests, the circle begins to close, since a few days ago we can now optimize Adwords campaigns with a ROAS which includes all conversions in which there has been a click on an AdWords ad, that is, we have in the Adwords panel a value of ROAS with all conversions including multi-device conversions.

The column is now available and can be added Value of all conversions / Cost as long as we are using the Adwords conversion code., so we can optimize based on the above value.

This will greatly improve the reporting of the true contribution of our AdWords campaigns (Search, Display and Shopping): we will be able to better optimize the campaigns and we will also have more weapons in our hands to justify our work and the scope of our work.

So far, optimize only with the Value conv./cost could lead us to make wrong decisions because we did not know the multi-device conversions (See the following example: Should we stop the campaign? Should we lower the bids?).

I personally tried to correct this deviation by giving a wide margin of confidence to mobile by adjusting the bidding for mobile: for example, if the Cost/conversion on computers was 5 €/conversion to mobile I let it be up to 3 times higher 15 €/conversion, i.e. I was intuitively adjusting for possible multi-device conversions involving a mobile.

Now we will be able to continue doing this but we can also optimize with an ROAS that includes all multi-device conversions. We can see the following example in a Shopping last November, managed by our agency: ¡¡¡¡ We have 83 conversions (7590 €) that were not previously accounted for !!!!.  



The value of all conversions/cost is 4 times higher than the conv./cost value. I find the difference mind-boggling, all the things we were missing out on.

Being able to collect information on multi-device conversions is a before and after in the optimization of Adwords campaigns in terms of ROAS. The circle will close soon, as far as we know, it will soon be possible to optimize campaigns through flexible bidding strategies in which multi-device conversions are included, so the possibilities and derivatives of this multiply...

What do you think of all these changes?

NOTE: Estimated multi-device conversions occur when a customer interacts with an ad (e.g., clicks on a text ad or views a video ad) on one device and then converts on another device or browser.

How to use it: allows you to see how ads influence conversions that have occurred on various devices and browsers.

Useful information: multi-device conversions are also included in the "Estimated total conversions" column.

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