Advertise on Google Images

Despite being a product launched in 2016 (in the US), the announcements of shopping in the Images search engine are one of the great "unknowns" in the Google Ads ecosystem.. What's more, you may not know what kind of ads I'm talking about, so here's the graphic example provided by the blogofficial Google.

Advertise on Google Images

Surely now you are familiar with them and you have seen them when searching in the "Images" tab.

How do I get my products to appear in Google Images?

Don't hurry, it's very simple. For your products to appear in Google Images section Just go to your Google Shopping campaign settings and click on the Search Partners option.. This action will make your products eligible to appear in this section of the search engine.


Positioning in Google Images

The rules to get a better positioning in this channel are the same as in search network and google shopppingThe basic pillars for winning an auction apply here as well, i.e., a combination of landing page quality score, ad relevance, expected click-through rate, and bidding we are carrying out.

However, there is one noteworthy element within this type of ads. As you can see at the top, located between the search engine, the google tabs and the images themselves are located a series of tags that allow us to filter our search based on the specific characteristics that we are looking for or need when purchasing a product.


At this point, it becomes special importance is placed on optimizing everything around our digital channels.. Only in this way we will get our products to pass the filters that users make through these filters. tags. Therefore, as we have already done in other posts such as the one dedicated to the importance of the value Google Product CategoryIn this regard, we insist on the growing importance of having a fully optimized feed in which attributes title y description at least contain keywords relevant to the tag filter of Google Images.

It is also interesting to include in our feed of products with extra attributes such as material o colorThe latter is already mandatory in countries such as the UK, France or Brazil, which help Google robots to index and classify correctly the characteristics of our products.

It will also be necessary to have SEO considerations so we recommend that both the attributes of the images, alt, title y description, as well as the meta-description, meta-title and the "h" tags of our landing contain the key words that define our product.

For example; if we have a wooden shelf for the bathroom with a bag for dirty clothes, it is convenient that this information appears in both the attributes of our feed as in those of our landing.

How to measure the results of this channel?

Currently we will only be able to know the data of our Shopping Ads within Google Images by going to the Google Partners segment results in the Google Ads interface or through the Ad Distribution Network secondary dimension in Google Analytics.

Recommended Sectors to Advertise on Google Images

One of the keys to marketing is knowing how to choose the right channel in which to advertise each type of product.. In the case of Google Images, leaving aside that it is Google itself who chooses the products that appear in this tab (we repeat, provided that we have enabled the Google Partners option), we recommend this solution for sectors where the visual component is of great importance. and where the same product category includes a wide variety of models, as is often the case with fashion or furniture, whose searches are more likely to be carried out in this section.

If your e-commerce falls within these characteristics I just want to show you a fact, according to a study conducted by digital intelligence company Jumpshot, already in 2016, 26.9% of all web searches in the United States were conducted through Google Images.


What are you waiting for to advertise on Google Images?

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