YouTube and Google Ads, a perfect combination

YouTube reaches 31.5 million Spaniards each month, viewers watching videos where we can make an impact through Google Ads.
YouTube is a digital platform designed to host videos that works like a warehouse. On this platform, each user consumes content when and how they need it or feel like it.
Consumption on YouTube has a demographic reach of 90% up to age 54. Consumption per day is 50 minutes per viewer in ages 25-44.

Advantages of creating YouTube campaigns on Google Ads

The Google Ads panel allows the configuration of YouTube campaigns. We need our clients to have a video channel, and to generate quality content, and with different formats. The video mixes image, sound and movement, and this can achieve the emotional involvement of our customers. If we can create these campaigns we will have the following advantages.

  • We can show the qualities of our products or brand.
  • We transmit closeness and branding.
  • It has a greater impact and is easier to capture attention.
  • Connect more effectively with potential customers.
  • It allows you to segment your audience very well.
  • We can measure results.

Types of video advertisement


Only for mobile devices and starts playing without sound, displayed on websites and partner apps. It is used to get coverage and notoriety (vCPM).


The video is displayed in the search results, it is a thumbnail of the video and up to 3 lines of text. If clicked it starts playing on Youtube. It is charged by CPV and serves to achieve brand and product consideration.


They are played before, during or after another video. They last a maximum of 6 seconds and cannot be skipped. The objective is brand awareness and coverage, and is paid when shown 1000 times CPM.


They are played automatically. The final screen is displayed for 5 seconds on mobile and 7 seconds on desktop and contains call to action and carries the selected URL. It is charged by CPV and the objective is sales opportunities and traffic.


The video is inserted in the header of the YouTube home page. It plays without sound automatically for up to 30", and includes an information panel on the right. Space is reserved on a daily basis by contacting Google directly.


It is a variant of Masthead and is contracted at least 48 hours in advance, and requires an investment of at least €1,000 for each segment. It is paid by CPV.


Types of segmentation

Video campaigns allow a very precise segmentation, which allows us to optimize our investment in those audiences that most interest us depending on the objective of our campaign. We can try to capture audiences in people who may have interests in our products, retarget users who have added a product and did not conclude the purchase, people who visited a specific video from our channel or from another channel that talks about the products...
The types of segmentation we can apply are:

  • Demographicsgender, age, parental status.
  • Hearings: related, Live Events, Intention, customized...
  • Key wordsYouTube: videos can be displayed in response to words or phrases searched for on YouTube.
  • Video Remarketingto users who have watched one of our videos, or videos from other channels.
  • Devices: enhancing or excluding what works best.
  • Topicscan be oriented to specific topics pre-determined by Google.

Combine YouTube and Shopping

From Google Ads you can create in-stream video campaigns while displaying shopping tags. You need to have a data feed uploaded to Merchant Center and linked to your Google Ads account. You can show up to 5 shopping tags.

When configuring the campaign we will select Brand and Product Consideration, Video type and as subtype Shopping. The products to be shown can be selected through a filter in the campaign configuration. You can enable all of them, but it is best to select the same ones that are shown in the video, since the vision of the product plus its price can generate a quick conversion action.

Best practices

The first thing to keep in mind is that this type of campaign can be very expensive, so it is important to start with low bids, review audiences, devices, locations and above all... be extremely vigilant.

  • Separate campaigns by objectives, reach, videos...
  • Separate each ad group with each audience, word group...
  • Beware of In Market and Google-created audiences.
  • Analyze who you want to impact: users of your website, of your YouTube channel, of related channels, of youtubers that show your products...
  • Limits how often videos are displayed and viewed.
  • Rotate videos if the channel generates new content.

Start your YouTube campaigns now!

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